Age Better

Check your dog for signs of an itch problem

Dogs scratch, itch and chew but is it the sign of an underlying skin condition that needs treatment?

Find out if your itchy dog needs to see your vet.

Check my dog

Already checked your dog? Visit Zoetis Pets for more useful information on itching and skin problems.

dog image

Signs of an itch problem

Please select all that apply (Multiple select)

*Please select a sign of an itch problem or 'none of the above' to continue

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Step 2 of 2

Are you familiar with the common signs of skin problems in dogs?

*This field is mandatory

Have you ever given your dog medication or supplements for skin problems?

*This field is mandatory

Tell us more about your dog

What's your dog's name?

*This field is mandatory

And what’s your dog’s breed?

And age?

<1 4 8 12 >16

*This field is mandatory


Step 1 of 2

It looks like may have one or more signs of a skin problem

Based on your answers, may benefit from a visit to your vet.

We can email you a short personalised report that will help with the conversation with your vet. Just enter your email address and we’ll send it straight away.

Good news. Based on your answers, it seems unlikely has a skin problem, but it’s always a good idea to talk with your vet about any concerns you may have about 's health.

*Please enter a valid email address

*This field is mandatory

Of course, this is not a medical diagnostic tool, and can't replace talking to an animal healthcare professional. Make sure you discuss any medical concerns with your vet.

’s Report

Here’s the result of the assessment you completed that highlights the activities and behaviours that may signal a skin problem in your dog. We have also emailed this to you and it can be shared with your vet to assist in ’s health assessment.

Is showing any of these behaviours?

Your dog scratches its ears or body regularly or wakes you up at night scratching.

Your dog bites, chews or licks its feet, legs, body, bottom, or tail regularly.

Your dog rolls around regularly.

Your dog rubs its face against things.

Your dog’s fur on its feet is stained a slightly reddish colour.

Your dog’s skin or ears have an unpleasant smell.

Your dog’s stomach or skin under its legs appear dark or reddened.

Your dog is losing fur or getting a thin coat.

Your dog’s skin or hair coat feel greasy or have “dandruff”.

Your dog shows these signs at a particular time of the year (i.e. Spring, Summer)

This information was provided by Zoetis, makers of Apoquel® and Cytopoint®
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