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Fleas, ticks, deadly heartworm and intestinal worms - from which parasites does your dog need protection?

Answer 6 questions to find out

What is your dog’s name?


Any information and advice provided via this quiz is of a general nature. Zoetis accepts no responsibility for adverse outcomes arising from your acceptance of this information and advice. This information and advice is not intended to replace veterinary advice which may be more specific to your pet. Some parasites are more prevalent in some areas compared to others. Zoetis recommends you check with your vet about risks of parasites in your area. If you travel with your dog, remember to check if they’ll be exposed to different parasites at your destination.

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1 of 6

Your dog comes into contact with parasites everyday. Find out which parasites are hiding in their favourite spots.

Where do you usually walk ?

Please select all that apply

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2 of 6

Your dog comes into contact with parasites every day. Your dog could be at risk from parasites through their daily activities.

Which of these does come into contact with?

Please select all that apply

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Where do they go?




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3 of 6

What your dog does at home can make them more at risk of parasites than you might think.

What does do at home?

Please select all that apply

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Where do they go?




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3 of 6

Your dog is exposed to these parasites in a number of locations:

Consistent protection from parasites for is important :

Find out why
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4 of 6

Make sure is fully protected

Which time of year do you need to give protection from deadly heartworm, fleas, ticks and worms?

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5 of 6

Make sure is fully protected

For the greatest peace of mind, when should be protected from parasites?

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6 of 6

Which type of protection do you give ?

This advice is of a general nature and is not intended to replace veterinary advice.

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Get personalised results detailing all the parasites may be at risk from. This advice is of a general nature and is not intended to replace veterinary advice. Please show your vet during your next visit so they can assess any specific risks for your dog and if extra protection is required. All we need to send it to you is your email.

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Simparica Trio Packshot

We all know and love our own pets, and so we are best placed to spot anything out of the ordinary. Knowing what to look for is the best way to prevent and treat any possible pet health problems. If you're concerned about anything, give your vet a call.

Signs of a skin condition can be mistaken for a parasite infection.

Check your dog for signs of a skin condition

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Thank you for taking the time to assess and we hope we’ve helped you to help him/her live a more comfortable life.

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may also come into contact with these parasites:

Check another dog
Simparica Trio Packshot

We all know and love our own pets, and so we are best placed to spot anything out of the ordinary. Knowing what to look for is the best way to prevent and treat any possible pet health problems. If you're concerned about anything, give your vet a call.

Signs of a skin condition can be mistaken for a parasite infection.

Check your dog for signs of a skin condition

Check my dog

Thank you for taking the time to assess and we hope we’ve helped you to help him/her live a more comfortable life.

Flea ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea.svg Pulgas icon ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea-purple.svg ../../../assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/Icons/flea-blue.svg Fleas may be small, but they can quickly turn into a big problem. Flea infestations can cause your dog (and your family) serious discomfort to both your dog and family. Year-round prevention of fleas is the best way to avoid an infestation in your home. Once fleas get inside the house, they can infest carpets, furniture and bedding, and it can take months to get rid of them. Simparica Trio® kills fleas fast and lasts for 35 days. Roundworm /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/roundworms-blue.svg Gusano redondo icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/roundworms-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/roundworms-blue.svg Dogs can get roundworms by ingesting infective eggs from the soil or by eating a secondary host such as a mouse. Puppies can contract roundworms from their mother whilst they are still in her womb or via her milk. Humans can also be infected by roundworm if they swallow infective eggs from the environment – e.g. a child may become infected playing in a sandpit. The global rate of soil contamination with roundworm eggs is 13-35% Roundworms can migrate through a human’s organs and if they get into the eye it can cause blindness, especially in children. Simparica Trio® has been proven to kill both adult and immature roundworms. Hookworm /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/hookworms-blue.svg Gusano de gancho icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/hookworms-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/hookworms-blue.svg Hookworms can affect both dogs and humans. Dogs are infected with hookworm larvae via ingestion from the soil or transmitted through milk. They can also burrow through the dog’s skin. Hookworms can also infect humans by penetrating the skin if a person comes into contact with contaminated soil. Hookworms are the most common intestinal worms found in dogs in Australia, and can be found in all states. Simparica Trio® has been proven to kill both adult and immature hookworms and treats the two most common hookworm species found in Australian dogs. Mites /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites-blue.svg Ácaros icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/earmites-blue.svg Mites live in your dog’s fur and can cause skin irritations such as scabies and mange, whilst ear mites live in the ear canal. Dogs tend to get infected with mites by coming into contact with other infected pets or from their local environment when out on walks. Mites can continue to live in your dog’s bedding or in carpets within the home, so there is a risk of re-infection. Wash bedding regularly to minimise the risk and use Simparica Trio as a preventative treatment. Heartworm /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/heartworm-blue.svg Heartworm icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/heartworm-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/heartworm-blue.svg Just one bite from a mosquito could lead to deadly heartworm disease, that’s why year-round prevention of heartworm is vital for all dogs in Australia. Mosquitoes can spread heartworm larvae from infected dogs to other dogs in the community. Once in the bloodstream the larvae mature into adult worms which can cause deadly lung disease and heart failure. Simparica Trio® contains moxidectin, the same ingredient vets prefer for heartworm prevention. Simparica Trio® has been proven to kill 100% of deadly heartworm, even in high-risk areas of Australia. Lungworm /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/lungworm-blue.svg Parásitos pulmonares icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/lungworm-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/lungworm-blue.svg Lungworm can be life-threatening for your dog. Dogs can contract lungworm simply by coming into contact with trails left by infected snails, slugs, frogs and foxes as well as direct encounters. Your dog can suffer from bloating, dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. Ticks /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick-blue.svg Ticks icon /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick-purple.svg /assets/images/parasite-assets/screener/icons/tick-blue.svg Paralysis ticks are deadly parasites, harming thousands of dogs in Australia every year. Ticks can also cause irritation or damage to the skin. After attachment and feeding, paralysis ticks start producing a potent toxin that affects the dog’s nervous system and causes progressive paralysis and death. There is an anti-serum available to treat tick paralysis however treatment can be expensive with no guaranteed success. It is important to do daily tick searches of your pet's skin even when they are on tick prevention products as no product is 100% effective. Be aware of the symptoms of tick paralysis. If you find a paralysis tick on your dog remove it immediately and seek veterinary attention if you see any of the symptoms associated with tick paralysis. Symptoms include: Weakness or paralysis in the back legs, progressing to the front legs; wobbling and lack of coordination; laboured breathing; coughing or gagging; change in tone of bark; a grunt on breathing; regurgitating or vomiting; drooling; inability to stand or facial paralysis. Simparica Trio® kills paralysis ticks fast and lasts for 35 days. Deer ticks are common ticks in Phillipines that are capable of feeding from lots of different animals including dogs, cats, cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and chickens. Deer ticks can cause skin irritation and spread diseases to your dog. Simparica Trio® kills deer ticks. Brown dog ticks as their name suggests, prefer to attach and feed on dogs and are often found in large numbers causing severe discomfort to your dog. Brown dog ticks, unlike other ticks, can complete their entire lifecycle indoors. Simparica Trio® kills brown dog ticks, which can be harmful and spread life-threatening diseases to your dog.
That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. Correct - Dogs need year-round protection to avoid being at risk from parasites. Parasite protection needs to occur all year round. Speak to your vet about your dog's risk, and which medications are best for your dog. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. That's not quite right. Dogs need to be protected from parasites all year round. Oral protection may be a more eco-friendly option Some spot ons can leak into the environment (especially lakes and ponds) due to the active ingredients used to protect your dog. Check with your vet on safe brands. Spot ons may be less effective as they can be washed from your dog if they swim or are wiped down soon after application.
It’s a common misconception that fleas and ticks in particular are only a risk in summer. They’re around all year in most areas even during cold winters! It’s a common misconception that dogs do not need protection in winter. Parasites are still about and active. Dogs need year-round protection, not just autumn/fall, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Dogs need year-round protection, not just spring, to avoid being at risk from parasites. Correct - Dogs need year-round protection to avoid being at risk from parasites. Parasite protection needs to occur all year round. Speak to your vet about your dog's risk, and which medications are best for your dog. Standalone worming medication is generally recommended four times a year. Most parasite protection needs to be given more regularly than three months. Incorrect. Every 6 months is not regular enough to give them ongoing protection. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Incorrect. Protecting your dog from parasites with one annual administration may not be enough to fully protect them from all parasites. Speak to your vet about your dog’s risk and the best protection. Speak to your vet about the most appropriate year-round protection for your dog. Oral protection may be a more eco-friendly option Some spot ons can leak into the environment (especially lakes and ponds) due to the active ingredients used to protect your dog. Check with your vet on safe brands. Spot ons may be less effective as they can be washed from your dog if they swim or are wiped down soon after application.
Correct Incorrect Select location Where do they go At home What do they do? should be protected from the following common parasites 4 of 5 5 of 5